Cooking is a creative expression of love for most families. When I cook, I want really good recipes that my family will enjoy, and won't stress me out at supper time. My goal is for time spent in the kitchen to be memorable teaching moments with my kiddos... full of love, laughter, and great conversation! At the same time, the kids are learning to prepare meals and learn a little math in the best school they could attend... our kitchen! Let's get cookin' and share some recipes! :)
I am turning this blog over to my sweet Emma who will share some of her recipes for kids. Welcome, Emma! :)

Friday, September 29, 2017

Emma's Banana & Strawberry Smoothie

Emma's Banana and Strawberry Smoothie

This recipe is for one big full glass of yummy smoothie!

You will need:
1 Banana 
3 Strawberries
1 cup ice cream or yogurt
1/2 cup milk or water
1 tsp. lime juice

Cut up banana & wash strawberries. Put all ingredients in blender, blend for 30 seconds or till smooth.

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